quarta-feira, setembro 02, 2009

Video for online education

Until recently, the Internet resembled a large “book” of electronic text and pictures where any extended “human” interactivity could only take place offline by teleconference or in-person meetings.

Now, webcasting and webconference creates an inexpensive opportunity (or a cheaper way) for mass interactive communication between people spread all over the world. Despite the personal communications power, Internet beats good human interaction when it comes to learning a new skill in a new society, mainly for Y and Z Generations.

You can always read a book, listen to a podcast or watch a video to learn how to do something and, in the end, if you really need, learning from a live "facilitator" or teacher who can answer or discuss your questions on the spot works best. But, have you really need this "live and personal moment"?

A simple webcasting (broadcasting through the web) enables a presenter to show a live presentation over the Internet to a thousand and thousand of participants. Adding an on-demand way this number can dramatically increase. In the post-9/11 and the swine flu (H1N1) era, people simply don’t like to travel as frequently. The meal and hotel costs associated with attending seminars or other adult education events make it even harder to attract a full audience.

However, with video internet facilities you can pull together a large group of people from around the world at a specific time on a given day, teach them something, and then let them all get back to their lives without the traditional interruptions and expenses of travel; oh, remember their time expend too. At the same time you can add a lot of webtools such polls, FAQs, Power Point slides, attached inumerous file types for user's download and answer the questions and doubts from users.

I would have you do this soon. I always use this in my country (Brazil) and I can help here. Just email me.

Giancarlo Colombo

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